Don’t Be Scared, Be Yourself

Time after time it never fails, I visit a small business blog and its words and vibe echo the previous one. I don’t know why it is but it seems like some business bloggers are afraid to be themselves and put their own unique spin on things.

Professionalism is one thing, monotony is another.

In the (online) world we live in today, it seems like almost everyone is trying to be the next “so-and-so”. Where have all the “just do it”, fearless entrepreneurs gone?

How successful can you really become when you are not being authentic to yourself?

FEAR stunts growth. When we learn to stop being scared and start being ourselves, we are able to operate in a place of unstoppable strength.

Think about it, no one can do you…better than you. No one can deliver exactly the way you can.

Just because we do business online doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be transparent. Let your personality peep through, let your voice be heard. Connect with your audience the way only you can and watch what happens.

So, the next time you intentionally go out of your way in an attempt to attract a certain type of market, stop and think about the market you are missing out on serving (the market that would relate to the REAL you) and the market YOU would truly love to to work with.

Don’t do them…or you a disservice.


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Tamyka Washington is a full-time work at home mom of seven, Home Business Mentor and Consultant with over 15+ years of experience. Her mission is simple yet powerful: to help women create a profitable lifestyle that's in perfect harmony with their passions and purpose. If you are interested in learning how, click here for more information.

10 thoughts on “Don’t Be Scared, Be Yourself”

  1. I like this post. Just starting out in a music career Im not sure what kind of feedback I’ll get. It’s just a try and see. I know to succeed the way I want go, I should stay true to myself. That’s the only way I’ll fill fulfilled, and it’s the only way to get true fans of you and your work.

    1. Your absolutely right Olivia, being yourself will permit you to be fulfilled by doing what you love and attracting dedicated and loyal fans. Glad you like post, thanks for sharing!

  2. LaTersa Blakely

    nicely said Tamyka. I’ve seen that myself, but like i always say, there’s only one of me and no one can do it better than me.

  3. Cheryl Pullins

    This is an incredible article!! It is exactly where I am. As I work on re-positioning my brand and starting focusing on what makes me different, the one thing I realized was that I do not want to create and build a “me too” brand.

    Women entrepreneurs must develop brands which are irresistible and clearly distinguishes you from everyone else in your market.

    Now that’s the “brand” truth!

    1. Thanks Cheryl and kudos to you on repositioning your brand! It is so important for us to make a difference in the lives of those we are meant to reach by using our own unique voice! Thanks for sharing.

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