How to Keep Blog Content Fresh and Consistent

fresh blog contentEvery entrepreneur knows how time consuming managing the daily operations of an online business can be, combine that with consistently keeping blog content fresh and you may find yourself pushing that task to the back burner.

Even though you know how important it is to blog for your business on a regular basis, it can be a challenge to find the time.

The most asked questions around this topic are , “how often should I blog?”,  “what should I blog about?”, and “how do I find the time?”…sound familiar?

In order for you to learn how to blog consistently, you must have an answer to each of these questions, so let’s jump on in!

How Often Should I blog? That all depends on your schedule and how much time you can realistically dedicate to your business blog. It is recommended you blog as often as you want to be noticed but at the very minimum, you should be blogging regularly at least 3 times per week. To be consistent, you will want to choose the days of the week you will post and the time of day. Just to be clear, you don’t have to write at those times, there are ways to automate your posts so you can schedule them to go out on a set date and time.

The key here is to create a consistent and regular schedule that helps your readers begin to expect your content while at the same time, helping you develop more awareness for your blog.

What should I blog about? It is important to have a blog that remains focused and centered around a particular topic or subject. You can blog about your industry trends and latest news, educational information for your readers, tips and strategies, any combination of information that will be of interest to your readers.

You can get creative and even select one day of the week that you answer a customers question in a blog post. Another idea is to choose a monthly theme to make it easier to stay on topic and engage your audience.

How do I find time? Every blogger has dealt with this at one point and come to the realization that you just have to make the time. No excuses. Get out your paper calendar, Blackberry or iphone and block out time to create and write your posts. If writing on a daily basis is not doable for you, select a large block of time one or two days out of a week to write and schedule your posts on WordPress or by using a tool like HootSuite.

Blogging for business is a powerful way to brand your business and be seen as an expert, thought-leader in your industry. Keeping your blog content fresh and consistent should be high on your priority list when it comes to establishing your online business presence.

What do you think? What are some ways you keep your blog content fresh and consistent? Share in the comments below:


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Tamyka Washington is a full-time work at home mom of seven, Home Business Mentor and Consultant with over 15+ years of experience. Her mission is simple yet powerful: to help women create a profitable lifestyle that's in perfect harmony with their passions and purpose. If you are interested in learning how, click here for more information.

10 thoughts on “How to Keep Blog Content Fresh and Consistent”

  1. Oh Tamyka… you are speaking my language! I so struggle with this! Love your suggestions. I especially love your tips on what you should blog about. Sometimes our creative ideas run dry – picking a day to answer a customers question is a great suggestion!

  2. Victoria Gwinn

    This is a great article! I truly believe in blogging as it does help to keep you in the mind of your followers or of those who may be interested in your services. Blogging has so much power and it also presents many business owners as an expert in their field which is the goal. Blogging keeps your audience engaged and it helps them to feel that the business is for the people and within reach.

    Finding time to blog for business can be time consuming but I would like to recommend my company, Your Thoughts, LLC, if assistance is needed.

    Thank you for sharing such valuable information!

    Victoria Gwinn, CEO of Your Thoughts, LLC

  3. Awesome tips! One way I stay consistent with blogging is by using an editorial calendar. It helps me stay on track with what I’ll post and when.

  4. Love the issues your addressing! Consistency is key and so is writing about things you know and love. I have the hardest time writing when I find I am not even interested in what I have to say!!! =)

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