Day 25 – Give to Receive

31 Days of Dynamic December


“The more you give, the more you receive. The more you sow, the more you will reap.”

Give to receive

I see it all the time, when we first start a business, we give and give and give but we rarely receive anything in return. I used to do the very same thing, giving so much of my time and knowledge away to others. I’m a giver by nature and it gives me pleasure to be able to help others. But, there is a fine line that we often cross.

You have to use discernment and be able to recognize when what you are giving, is not being valued by the receiver. You also have to be aware of the place you are coming from. Is it because you are desperate for business and you will do almost anything to gain a new client? Or, do you genuinely want to help?

What I have found is there must be a medium, afterall, we are in business to make money. When you learn your market, you are in a better position to assess their immediate need. You can give of yourself in a manner that doesn’t overextend your time or place you in a uncomfortable situation.

Consider taking time to create a complimentary gift or offer that will benefit both you and your ideal client or customer. Giving a valuable resource that will help them resolve a specific result can go a long way. In return, you receive new business and potential referrals because of your generosity.

I’ve learned over the years, that being willing to simply share a few tips or strategies that will help someone get started in my industry, has allowed me to gain clients and business partners. Does this always happen right away? Of course not…but what you sow, you reap…eventually.

The more you give, the more you receive!

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Tamyka Washington is a full-time work at home mom of seven, Home Business Mentor and Consultant with over 15+ years of experience. Her mission is simple yet powerful: to help women create a profitable lifestyle that's in perfect harmony with their passions and purpose. If you are interested in learning how, click here for more information.

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